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Easy to release heat, durable, stable operation
TaiWan SAN JU International Electrical Machinery CO.,LTD.
Shenzhen Sanju Electric Machinery Co.,LTD.
Sanju Technology and electrical machinery CO.,LTD.
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Taiwan tel:+886-2-26032999Fax : +886-2-26023456
Shenzhen tel:+86-755-2803-5670Fax : +86-755-2799-3156 (Domestic) (Overseas)
Taiwan Address: No.5,Aly.11,Ln.45,Minsheng W.Rd.Zhongshan Dist.,Taibei Taiwan
Factory address: ChuangXin Industry Area,No.326,Da Bu Tou Road Songyuanxia Community,GuanHu Street,,Longhua New District,Shenzhen,CN